Systèmes critiques embarqués

Nl1806 Leroy ECOVADIS 2018

Our internal company strategy is deeply involved with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)policies. ECOVADIS is a recognized independant body which is able to analyze internal policies and to benchmark our CSR performance amongst

Nl1812 Ethernetip Cip Scanner

LEROY AUTOMATION released a new EtherNet/IP – CIP-based product to support on-board train control/monitoring and signalling project deployments. The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is a media independant, connection-based, object-oriented protocol designed for rail automation

LEROY AUTOMATION has successfully completed the integration of a new automation function for energy management on-board SNCB-NMBS’s M7 double-deck trains : BRIO CEE. This system features optimized control algorithms, real-time monitoring and web-enabled maintenance diagnostic functions to manage