Critical embedded systems

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The announcement last February of the acquisition of Tronico by the AGÔN Electronics group, shareholder of Leroy Automation, marks a new stage in the group’s strategy.Tronico designs and manufactures electronic systems for


Leroy Automation is proud to announce that its new communication gateway to convert the IPTcom Ethernet protocol, developed for ALSTOM communication systems, to the HPTS protocol, a serial protocol developed

OSI And CANopen Reference Model

Train Control & Monitoring System (TCMS) in Railway Applications This technical article discusses how to implement CANopen Master communication protocol with redundancy features in on-board Train Control and Management Systems

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TRDP EN 50155 / IEC 60571 Railway Embedded Controller & Remote IO Application note TRDP communication TRDP (Train Real-time Data Protocol) is a new Ethernet communication protocol dedicated to TCMS