LEROY AUTOMATION released a new EtherNet/IP – CIP-based product to support on-board train control/monitoring and signalling project deployments.
The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is a media independant, connection-based, object-oriented protocol designed for rail automation applications, and integrating key features for control, safety, synchronization, configuration and information.
As an I/O Scanner, the BRIO initiates implicit communications with I/O adapter devices such as Event Recorders (ER), or Driver Display Units (DDU). It deals with issues such as configuration of which connections to make, and how to configure the adapter devices.
From the software application side, end-users are free to either use a comprehensive IEC 61131-3 STRATON integrated design environment to implement train automation algorithms described in Ladder Diagram (LD) or Structured Text (ST) ; or to code their own software applications using C-programming language when a higher level of computing performance is expected, or required.