Leroy Automation’s internal corporate strategy is deeply marked by CSR policies. Since 2018, the company has been ranked with a “Silver” score by Ecovadis, a recognized organization holding a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) rating platform.
Namely, the EcoVadis certification is based on a CSR analysis system, which is based on 4 themes: Environment, Social, Ethical and Responsible Purchasing.

Leroy Automation has obtained the Provigis label 2020. We have been recognized as an outstanding supplier with good responsible purchasing practices.
The Provigis supplier label supports the companies’ mediator placed with the Minister of the Economy and Finance for the promotion of the Responsible Supplier Relations Charter and the Supplier Relations and Responsible Purchasing Label based on the ISO 20400 standard.
This standard guidelines aim to distinguish French companies that have demonstrated sustainable and balanced relations with their suppliers.
Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy
In July 2010, the United States enacted the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer protection Act, which includes section 1502, a section which regulates disclosure of the use of any “Conflict Minerals”. Conflict Minerals refers to minerals and other derivatives mined in the democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in the adjoining countries, where revenues may be directly or indirectly financing armed groups engaged in civil war resulting in serious social and environmental abuses. The four minerals covered by the act are Gold (Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tin (Sn) and Tungsten (W) – collectively known as 3TG, all of which can be used in electronic components such as frequency control products.
LEROY AUTOMATION is committed to having a socially responsible supply chain and will not condone any abuse of human rights; but the supply chain of these minerals is long and complex. Tracing the ownership and origin of these minerals is challenging as the supply chain includes multiple actors, from small-scale producers to local consolidators as well as smelters and other processors. The smelting and refining of minerals often combines ore from many different sources, making it difficult to trace their origin after refining.
Smelters have been identified as the pinch-point in these supply chains and LEROY AUTOMATION support the development of the Conflict-Free Smelter (CFS) program developed by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). The CFS is a voluntary program that aims to enable responsible mineral sourcing through evaluating the source and conflict-free status of minerals that are processed by smelters.
However, LEROY AUTOMATION do not purchase any of the Conflict Minerals directly from melters, so we have taken measures to eliminate Conflict Minerals from our products by working with our suppliers to gain assurances that none of the 3TG minerals used in our products are not derived the DRC Conflict Region. We have further requested our suppliers to refuse to use Conflict Minerals from this region in all, present and future materials, while also notifying their downstream suppliers of this requirement. Therefore based upon the information provided by our suppliers LEROY AUTOMATION’s components do not knowingly contain minerals derived from the DRC Conflict Region.
We maintain the latest version of the CMRT, which gives full transparency of smelter use within our supplychain.