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Some good news

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Some good news

LEROY AUTOMATION is proud to become an Authorized Economic Operator (#AEO) for the combination of customs simplification (#AEOC),

as well as security and safety (#AEOS).

The #AEO concept is based on the “Customs-to-Business” partnership introduced by the World Customs Organization (WCO). Such program aims to enhance international supply chain security and to facilitate legitimate trade.

Such structuring status allows LEROY AUTOMATION to be stronger with its strategy for global trade with import and export logistics and commercial flows.

Mr. Nicolas PEREZ, appointed as main mission coordinator and Customs referral contact person, received LEROY AUTOMATION’s OEA certification at the 1st “Club OEA” meeting. “Club OEA” is a great place for networking opportunities with other OEA-certified companies, and with dedicated experts providing advice and support in Foreign Trade, Customs, Logistics, and International Transport