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et systèmes électroniques embarqués

Zoom in on IEC 62443 Cybersecurity product : PALC

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Image Pub PALC

PALC stands for programmable advanced logical controller.  It is our newest modular hardware platform which takes into consideration both cyber and safety concepts and innovations aimed at on-board train control and management systems (TCMS), European train control systems (ETCS), communication-based train control (CBTC) and positive train control (PTC) solutions.

This platform has been engineered by taking into consideration all the major technical advantages and key selling points of our proven vehicle control units, remote I/O modules and communication gateways.  In addition, it implements IEC 62443-4-2 “Defense in Depth” security technologies from a safety perspective to provide multiple layers of security protections against external threats and vulnerabilities.

PALC features a modular hardware platform, which is fully compliant with most stringent requirements of the up-to-date EN 50155:2017 standard.  The main concept of the PALC is to build a scaleable, partially or fully redundant system architecture based on the following core features : a high-performance dual-core processor and FPGA co-processor module, a full-range 24-110Vdc train-battery compatible power supply and up to 10 customizable-I/O or communication expansion slots.

The complete hardware configuration is available in a size-3U small form factor for easy train integration onto horizontal or vertical panels, or assembled into 19-inch racks and cubicles.

Software application development and integration is facilitated by using IEC 61131-3 STRATON PLC integrated development environment (IDE) from algorithm design, implementation, test, validation and commissioning.  This software IDE is an all-in-one packaged solution that accelerates considerably train integrators and operators’ time-to-market.